
Its official! The AMKSS NOMAD 2008 is officially launched with the successful completion of our first Fringe Event, “Arts in the Blocks” Held at Ang Mo Kio Block 325s on the 30th of May 2008.

Many thanks to all community partners, friends and members of the AMKSS Family for making it a success!

Here are some 200+ shots of the night taken by Rabil Lian for your viewing pleasure!

Yit Sim graduated from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, with a Masters degree in Drama Teaching in 2007.
She developed a passion for drama more than 15 years ago when she started participating in church productions. Her first training ground was in New Zealand when she was pursuing her university degree. She continued to hone her skills after the completion of her course. Over the years, she has been constantly involved in drama activities at the Prisons department where she previously worked as well as the community (church and YellowCube Playback theatre). She conducted drama workshops and directed a few skits in the Prisons Department which were presented at the various official functions.
She has finally decided to pursue her passion full time and is very excited with all the opportunities which she can have as a thespian. She is keen to share her interest and passion with others and hopefully they will also find drama as an outlet for their creativity.

I’ve included a list of Drama works including the IAP Drama Pieces that we are considering to be included in the NOMAD 2008 finale on 3rd – 5th July 2008.

Although this consists only of a list at the moment, the page will be continually uploaded and will eventually be a central summary of all work relating to drama.

Please follow this link:



Class: Sec 2-2

Facilitator: Kong Yit Sim

Related Threads:

  1. Inter-Generational Activities
  2. Characterisation Questions

Below here are examples of questions posed to students to help them better populate their mental vision of the scenes that they are creating.

Scene 2

Coffee shop scene for passer-by

  • At the beginning of scene 2, you are to take turns to walk in and out of the coffee shop until after the radio announcement is over.  Why are you walking in and out of the coffee shop?  Are you buying drinks or chit chatting with friends?  Are you married?  Are you working?  When you see the gangsters, what do you do?  Quickly walk away or continue staying in the coffee shop?
  • You form the background scene as focus is on Xiao Fen/ Hong and grandma.  You can talk softly or gesture to the coffee shop owner.

Note: you are important because without you, the coffee shop will be too quiet.  It’s like no business in the coffee shop.  Very unreal.


Class: Sec 2-2

Facilitator: Kong Yit Sim

Related Threads: Inter-Generational Activities

Work on the development of the script with this class continues apace. Here, we are sharing some of the trigger questions that were posed to students to further refine their depiction of the characters they are acting:

Questions for the actors

Fire fighting scene

  1. Whose house is it?
  2. Why are you fighting the fire?
  3. How are you related to the victim?
  4. How are you feeling when you are fighting the fire?
  5. Which part of the house is burning?
  6. How big is the fire?
  7. How dangerous is it fighting the fire?

Note: fight fire for 2 seconds. Someone shouting for help. One Chinese and one Malay volunteer to go in and save her. Stop, think and respond. What is the danger of trying to rescue the victim?

Class: Sec 2-5

Facilitator: Noorlinah Mohamed

Related Threads: Version 1 of the Script

The script devised by Class 25 for NOMAD continues to evolve, please see below to the see the latest version:

Music begins and the stage is slowly lit with ambers sparkling in the distance. The ambers become brighter and sparks fly and a fire breaks out. Then we hear a voice reading a poem and then screams. The stage is bright with 4 images moving in slow motion. Then silence and actors come to centrestage.

VINCE: All my money, all my belongings, all my assets are gone!


In response to various requests, we have just uploaded some selected pictures of NOMAD 2005 on this webpage.

The photos can also be seen on this page:


Below is the second of two scripts, one from Secondary 2/A and another from 2/5. These scripts are the result of improvisations and research that the students did in the first 6 weeks. They were written in small collaborative groups and pieced together by the facilitator, Ms Noorlinah Mohamed.


Secondary 25: Untitled


This piece started out as a drama on fires in the 60s. Subsequently, the work expanded to look at newspaper articles from the 60’s and life in HDB flats. Some key questions explored were: How did the kampung dwellers cope with this move? What are some of the stories of their lives?


Below is the first of 2 scripts, one from Secondary 2/A and another from 2/5.

These scripts are the result of improvisations and research that the students did in the first 6 weeks. They were written in small collaborative groups and pieced together by the facilitator, Ms Noorlinah Mohamed.


Secondary 2A: Untitled.

Using shadow play, this performance piece was inspired by the Haw Par Villa pictures and research on Di Yu (18 Levels of Hell in Chinese Mythology).


Site Photos for the Film Screening at Blk 207 Ang Mo Kio St 22 on the 27th of June 2008.

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