Please see this link to see the inclusion of Lim Shoo Wen’s name as one of our collaborators, and in the area of Film.

2008年4月17日我们到 Ling Kwang Youth Centre 去采访中心的总干事 Mr Chang Chian Hui 。

听Mr Chang说,中心设立的目的是为了帮助那些四处闲荡的青少年,让他们放学后有地方可去,才不会交上坏朋友。

我觉得 Mr Chang的这分工作十分有意义,帮助青少年,引导他们走上正路。身为中心的总干事,Mr Chang 看着中心从八年前开始到现在,经过了许多风风雨雨。

所谓:‘助人为快乐之本’,所以 Mr Chang 没有埋怨,反而觉得自己收获很多。虽然开始非常艰难,资金也不是很多,他们还是熬到了现在。他们这种努力不懈与坚持到底的精神很值得我们学习。

— 林隽晟 (中三 3/1班)

We spent quite some time at Ling Kwang Youth Centre these past few weeks. Since the last time when we interviewed the volunteers, we made another two trips there. We interviewed two girls and one of the members of the staff on our second visit there. The girls were both students who regularly go to the Centre for tuition and to use the computers.

The interviews were all quite fun. Firstly, we interviewed Joel, a staff member. As he is the Head of Pastoral Care there, he recounted a few interesting occurrences that happened there in the past. We were also able to learn a lot about the profile of students who go to the Centre. It was an interesting experience and had a relaxing atmosphere. When the interview ended about a half hour later, we started our second interview.




当我们到 Ling Kwang Youth Centre采访一些做义工的学生时,我们深感羞愧。他们从繁忙的课业中抽出宝贵的时间,定期为有需要的中、小学生做免费补习。这种奉献于社会的精神值得我们学习。


最令我们感动的是一位正在服兵役的男生,他还可以抽出时间来为需要的人补习数学。有一次,他的学生无法完成他给的数学习题。当他问学生为什么不会做时,学生回答说:“没有老师在身旁,我不会做。” 说着说着,他自己也有些哽咽。我们听了,都被他的话感染了。






~ 杨旸、林隽晟 (3/1)



~ 杨旸、林隽晟 (3/1)

When we first arrived at the centre, there were not many people there as it had been raining earlier. Luckily, one of our interviewees was still there. So, we the producers were introduced to her. It was slightly awkward at first though, as we were not very prepared to interview anyone at the moment. Fortunately, we were able to think of some relevant questions to ask her. However, I feel that we could have done a lot better had we prepared first. Well, that is a lesson learnt to help us the next time.


After that, we went around the centre and tried talking to some of the students using the computers. That, however, was not very eventful because most of them were engaged in the games they were playing such as Counterstrike. By that time, the tuition lessons had started. So, we spent some time interviewing the two volunteer tutors who were there. I feel that we were able to learn some important things from them such as the joy they experience to be able to help others.


As both of their tutoring lessons ended at 6pm, we had some time to discuss the questions and rehearse our interview. We were rather well-prepared by the time 6pm came around. Thus, the interview went quite well. Unfortunately, it started raining just as we were finishing. In a way, we were fortunate that it did not start raining earlier. But it was unfortunate because another interviewee had just arrived. As a result, we had to interview him inside, which was not as comfortable an atmosphere as outside in the fresh air.

At the end of the day, I feel that it was a very exciting experience. We were able to learn quite a lot about Ling Kwang Youth Centre, the services offered there and the people who go there. I look forward to the next time we go back there as I think that there is much more we can learn there that will benefit both ourselves and the documentary that we are filming.

~ by Hana Nordin 2008 Secondary 3/2

Site Photos for the Film Screening at Blk 207 Ang Mo Kio St 22 on the 27th of June 2008.

Shoo Wen began her working career as a teacher through which she understood the importance of affirmation, motivation and challenge which can help people achieve the impossible.  

Her unique work experience of assessing and critiquing film and television programmes at the Media Development Authority of Singapore gave her many opportunities to gain knowledge and exposure in the media arts. It later prompted her to take up filmmaking at a professional level.  

Through directing stage plays and making short films, she discovered her passion in telling enlightening stories that would invite reflection of issues with significant social and universal relevance.  Film is a fascinating medium which combines writing, music and visuals to tell a captivating story. It captures a myriad of human experiences that will form our human heritage. In cinema, we see stories of other individuals unfold before our eyes whereby we are able to share in their hopes, dreams, fears and joys. Despite our external differences, the commonality of humanity is celebrated. Hopefully as we gain more insight into the human condition, it will draw us closer as fellow travelers on the journey called “life”.   

In the next series of posts, we will begin introducing the various artists who are working together on this project.

We begin with Lim Shoo Wen who currently works with AMKSS on an adjunct basis.

Her area of expertise is in film, and Shoo Wen will be leading students from the infocomm club @ amkss and other volunteers from the general AMKSS student population on a project that investigates and documents authentic stories from the community.

Do check out the club’s website:

Also to be found, is the biography for Lim Shoo Wen. Please follow this link for more information.