JinXiang: Good afternoon Mr Tan, thank you for granting us his interview. 

JinXiang: How did the name Ang mo kio came about? 

Mr Tan: Actually the name probably came from the historical records. Because the word                             Ang mo kio is came from dialect translation means European bridge. And probably there was    a bridge around here build by the columbium people . 

JinXiang: So what was Ang mo kio known as before it was developed into a new town?

Mr Tan : Actually it was only a continuation of a rubber estate from Serangoon garden all to Mayflower and then the other parts were all bushes. So actually there was nothing outstanding about the place except there was a series of path all of the place. And if you look at the map of those days, you will find the number of path. But when you go down and

walk and take a look you will find that those path don’t even exist. 

JinXiang: So what amenities were there back in 1970s? 

Mr Tan: When you talk of the amenities, I was thinking in terms of what were there available back in 1979. In the year 1979, it’s the time I step into this place. And not very far from the school the present school site, there use to be a wet market and a number of shops and that was really a town centre at that time. There were shop houses in this area. 

JinXiang: What is unique about Ang Mo kio? 

Mr Tan: There is nothing unusual about Ang mo kio except the development had been a very peaceful one. So people move in as the houses were ready. 

JinXiang: Were there many people living in Ang mo kio in the 1960s? 

Mr Tan: Actually in the early 70s, Ang Mo Kio new town has not been build, is only built after 1975 then the town was being built around the area. So in terms of people living in Ang mo Kio at that point of time, there were not many people only a few thousand people living around he small blocks here.  

DaoQian: I shall take over and ask you about Ang mo kio Secondary School. 

DaoQian: Do you have any idea that was Ang mo kio secondary school the first seconday school built in Ang mo kio?  

Mr Tan: Yes, It was the first school. Because there was one other school and that was a primary school.  

DaoQian: So why was the school named after the town? 

Mr Tan: The named of the school was done by the people in the Ministry of Education and in those days school were named after places or roads. Just like Thomson Secondary School, Upper Thomson Secondary School and here we have Ang Mo kio Secondary School. 

DaoQian: So what was the challenges you faced as the first principal of the school? 

Mr Tan: When the school was ready, the school building was ready, the school was already functioning at a borrow building namely the premises of HuiYou Secondary. So we have our first batch of Sec 1 classes since January of 1979. Then later in the year end of April the school was handed over to the Ministry and then to me. And then after the handing over, the furniture came in. The furniture came in literally every member of the staff and  students. At that time the students were not around but we manage to get a few and we all had to collectively help to carry the furniture into the class room like the tables and chairs. 

DaoQian: So Do you have any impression of the Ang mo kio student back then? 

Mr Tan: Actually the student back then were very eagle to come to school because here we are having is a brand new school and here is a school that is downstep to them. So we started off with the Secondary 1 classes in the 1979. then the following year we open our classes to pupils from secondary 1 to 4 plus class for a level of the Chinese stream. 

DaoQian: So any idea on how many teacher in our school? 

Mr Tan: I cant remember.  Because some teachers did not belong to our school because our school was being use to house pupils from mayflower primary school because there school was under construction.  

DaoQian: So what is your most memorable moment during your term of office in the school? 

Mr Tan: I think the thing being in the school was that there was a lot of things to be done and then we try to do the things as fast as we could. Just like one of thing we had to do is the opening ceremony. In the past, schools that want to prepare for their opening ceremony had borrow bands and dancers from other school in their neighborhood but when we prepare our own in the year 1980s , we have literally everything ourselves. We have our own dancers; we have our band perform the tune that we wanted because we engaged company to do it to supply us our equipment and to prepare our pupil to play the require the music that we wanted for the function. We were part of the community, we also encourage our facility to be use by the people association so there was a decentralized parade using our school drums. And during those days, the parade for the decentralized has being held all over the island in housing estate.  

DaoQian: So were there any school songs back then? 

Mr Tan: Talking about the school song, I don’t know what is the present school song. We had one song that was compose for us by a Filipino friend from Melina. He composed for us and then when I brought the song and the music back; it was set to the brass band for Mr. Ananta to the ACDC. 

DaoQian: Were you involved in creating the school motto? 

Mr Tan: I cannot say I was involved; I was involved in literally of everything. But quite a lot of things are collective effort by a group of people. That mean staff members contribution, members from SAC, because at that time, our school committee consisted of people from the commercial sector. Just like the first chairman. The first chairman was once who work in an insurance company. 

DaoQian: What was the school motto then? 

Mr Tan: I cannot remember. 

DaoQian: So do you have any idea what does the school logo represent or rather are there any school logo back then? 

Mr Tan: I cannot remember. 

ALL: Thank you Mr. Tan.

Full Synopsis:

The “Symphonic Overture” for band is written in celebration of the opening of the NOMAD Festival 2008. The composer has collaborated with the Ang Mo Kio Symphonic Band earlier in the year, and have created this work as a homage to the technical proficiency of the student musicians.

A mysterious beginning leads full flight into a tumulteous flurry of notes in the woodwinds, and modulates from key to key, before plunging into the actual first section of the work. Here, a heroic theme marches through rhythmic punctuation before reaching a more sombre lyrical passage, and then returns once more.

A Facebook Event page for this year’s NOMAD has been set up by our publicity team. Please direct all alumni, friends and family from the AMKsian family there to help spread the word via this medium.



The following is a transcript of an interview with Mr Koo Ah Lek conducted on 10 April 2008 by Secondary 2 student Jin Xiang.

JinXiang: Thank you sir for granting us an interview. Let us start our first question. When were you first appointed as a SAC member?

Mr Koo: Let me give you a history how I become a SAC member. I joined the school SAC member in 1979 and that was the year when the school started. I was introduced by Mr Tan Joo Keng the first principal of Ang Mo kio Secondary. He was actually my school teacher when I was in Outram Secondary school back then. And after I left school, I still keep in touch with Mr Tan regularly. And one day, he called me and asked me would I be interested in doing some community work and I was invited by the school principal. The school principal said the first thing he need to do is to form a school SAC and he invited me to sit in the committee and sit as a treasurer. And that was the first time I heard of the SAC. So I told him I am not very familiar with the SAC and he told me to come and join for 1 term which is 2 years and after that you can decide do you wish to continue. Then that was supposed to be a 2 year term and it turned out to be a long 30 year term.


Dear all

Welcome back to school! I hope that we have all had an opportunity to catch some rest during this past June Holiday.

Just a quick updates on the developments with NOMAD:

1. Staff Meeting on Tuesday 24th of June 2008

Please be informed that there will be a general staff briefing about the exact shape in which NOMAD will take for this year. The general staff briefing for NOMAD 2008 will have two components. Firstly a briefing for all staff, and in the 2nd section, a meeting with the NOMAD working committee.

Here is the proposed agenda: (more…)

A few selected publicity shots taken by Rabil Lian of the 1st NOMAD 2008 Fringe Festival Event: Arts in the Blocks on the 30th of May 2008 have now been uploaded on the Media Centre Page.

Calling all AMKsians. Here’s the Press Release / emailer for this year’s NOMAD production. Please download it and forward it to as many of your friends and family members as possible to help us publicise this event!

Lets all work together to make this an amazing success worthy of an AMKSS Production!

Download the NOMAD 2008 Press Release!!!


暴动的起因: 新加坡在1964721日发生大规模的种族暴动之后,由巫统领导的联邦政府领袖指责“新加坡政府亏待新加坡的马来人,结果造成种族暴动”。73日,巫统控制的《马来前锋报》在报道中歪曲李光耀这段讲话的意思,它指李光耀发表“马来西亚的43%马来人不能赶走60%的华人和其他种族人士”的言论。后来,也在它的社论中进一步攻击李光耀,指他对新加坡马来人进行“逼迁”,“试图分化”新加坡的马来社群,等等。这一切便使华族与马来同胞的关系越来越疆。接着,发生了马来人游行变成殴打警员事件。当日,午4时以后,游行队伍浩浩荡,荡的沿着美芝路、亚拉街和维多利亚街步行到加冷路,朝向芽笼12巷,进发。在大约是下午5时,七八名参加游行的马来人突然离队,在场的一名警察要求他们归队,其中一名马来人拒绝归队,这名警察只好把他推回所属的队伍。这时,人群中突然有人高喊:“你这个警察,你以为你可以推人?”接着有人开始包围这名警察,不料,一名造事的马来人突然从背后攻击这名华人警员,接着其他的马来人也开始殴打警员,场面简直是失控。不久,在7月的种族暴动中,总共有3568人被捕。 

暴动以后94日上午,大批的华人和马来人结集在芽笼士乃的路边和巴刹,对抗的情绪逐渐升高到了近中午时分,种族暴动再次发生,七个人在暴动中丧命,冲突的范围不断扩大 。而据报告显示,次参与种族暴动的暴徒看起来更有组织性,也不纯粹是以其他种族为攻击目标。最后,守站的士兵只好开枪将暴徒驱散。结果在9月的种族暴动中,总共有1439人被捕,新加坡政府最终在911日全面取消戒严。 



谢东辰(12 4/1


Its official! The AMKSS NOMAD 2008 is officially launched with the successful completion of our first Fringe Event, “Arts in the Blocks” Held at Ang Mo Kio Block 325s on the 30th of May 2008.

Many thanks to all community partners, friends and members of the AMKSS Family for making it a success!

Here are some 200+ shots of the night taken by Rabil Lian for your viewing pleasure!

Announcing the Project Strand synopsis for the Mother Tongue Languages Department.

1964 Singapore

Overall IC: Koh Chee Keong

Teachers Involved: All Mother Tongue Languages Teachers

Students Involved: All Secondary 4 and 5 Students

Synopsis: Students reflect on the way of life in Singapore during 1960s “(especially 1964), from politics, housing to social aspects. Students are free to present their reflection in various forms, such as comics, text, mind-mapping and drawings.

More information about Project Strands can be found here:

Project Strands